May 26, 2009

Conversation with Harlie

Last night Harlie kept getting out of bed and this is how the conversation went.

Me: Harlie why aren't you staying in bed?
Harlie: Mom I'm having trouble sleeping
Me: try counting in your mind
Harlie: That's silly
Me: Well you need to get some sleep because Grandma is watching you early in the morning
Harlie: *long pause* Mom will you drive me to Grandma's ?
Me: I wasn't going to make you walk...get to sleep
Harlie: What if I just lay here and you come and get me when it's time to go, then I will put on my shoes and we can leave.
Me: Harlie you need to go to sleep
Harlie: Ok Fine!

This morning
Harlie: Mom, I didn't go to sleep, I just waited till morning in my bed

Me: suuuuuuuuuuuuureee you did

May 21, 2009

never posted drive through Moab

Luke and Summit were little double trouble

Not bad photography for out a car window going 80 miles an hour.
Great Job Tyson!

We didn't stop at the hole in the rock because our drive was long enough already
but we took pictures

May 13, 2009

Slurpee Cheetoh Dip and Mom's day

For Mothers Day Tyson and the kids surprised me with breakfast in bed!
Tyson made the works I felt like a queen. He had also helped the kids make these mom's day cards for me. Harlie wrote her own she just needed a little help with spelling.
Luke of course had loads of help but drew the picture by himself

After grocery shopping on Monday we got slurpee's and Cheetohs the kids were so happy to sit on the "deck" and dip their cheetohs into their slurpees, and I thought pregnant women had strange taste buds...
Everything is going great with Madison, we survived mothers day at flower patch, with a good friends funeral thrown in the middle of the chaos. And so far things look good, we had a Dr Appointment yesterday and they tested for gestational diabetes , the Dr said no news is good news and so far we've had no news. We are in the home stretch now and I get so excited to meet her soon enough.

Tyson gets to go do a "Ride & Drive" with Continental tires in Uvalde Texas on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. A ride & drive consists of 5 guys from each region getting together at the proving grounds and testing out what continentals tires can do. Last time Tyson did it locally and got to drive around BMW's at top speed and seeing how fast their tires stop, perform in rain, sleat snow etc. Needless to say He is very excited for this weekend/next week. This will however be the longest I have been away from him in 6 years. Will update again with pictures of his trip (if he remembers) till then.