April 28, 2010

I want one of these!

I want one of these so bad! It looks like a TON of fun! Why can't we just plant that money tree already!

April 24, 2010

Lil Man loves Stinky Pete

Proof that Luke (lil man) loves Madison (stinky Pete) for some time in the near future when they are fighting over who gets the car and who is flirting with who's friends.. (madi is waving Hi mom)

April 22, 2010

The newest line of...

On Sunday night Madi enjoyed her pancakes so much she decided to make a fashion statement and wear them, her pancakes had no syrup they were stuck purely by saliva..
We are hoping this isn't a glimpse into future occupation....
My kids seriously make me smile every day!
I ♥ them!

April 14, 2010

Luke and the Spider!

We were outside enjoying the day and Luke comes running up to me and says "mom, I just killed a spider" He then lifts his shoe and says "You want to see what color it was?" I just started laughing...Little boys are so amazing to me!

April 9, 2010

Gettin Crafty

Today we made Flower Clips for my girls hair...Pretty cheep and so girlie chic
I paid 3 bucks for a bunch of daisies (50 % off) A bag o clips for 2 bucks already had the Hot Glue. We made 8 And I still have lots of daisies and clips for future projects..I love having little girls :)