December 26, 2009

dear 2009 (longest post ever)

Dear 2009,

I am writing you this letter to tell you thank you. I know that sounds strange, because you brought so much change in my life and lives of so many around me. But I wanted to say thank you for teaching me more about myself, about my faith, about the importance of Family and Friendships, And that in the end the arguments will seem petty and unimportant. You must listen when that voice tells you that someone is in trouble. And I learned about my Savior, my faith in the Lord’s plan has been my “saving grace”. I am so grateful for my beautiful baby girl. Madison has been a blessing in my life. She has been my rainbow through the storm. I wouldn’t trade the experiences that I have had for anything in the world. I am stronger and more humble than I have ever been in my life. With the New Year and a new decade beginning I was thinking over the past 10 years.

In 2000 I decided that it would be a good idea to move across the country and pursue a dream, I went about it all the wrong ways and almost lost myself, luckily I had a guardian angel who pulled me through with phone calls every Sunday night in 2001, later that year I decided that it would be best to be at home, where I was around more of the people who were good for me.

2001 was a rough year, our country was attacked and forever changed, my grandmother passed away that same month. I started spending time with people who weren’t good for me. I pulled myself together and let those people go. And started going back to church, and slowly found myself again.

2002 my sister had a horrible experience in Florida and moved home finally, my family was home, I also let myself fall in love with someone who had cared about me for a very long time, this was not something that was easy for me to do considering he and my sister’s history. But thank heavens I did because in the fall he proposed to me.

2003, I made a special promise between the Lord and I inside the temple walls, and about a month after that I married my guardian Angel, my best friend, and I learned that I could love with everything inside me.

In 2004 I gave birth to my Harlie girl, she taught Tyson and I so much about each other.

In 2005 we bought our first house!!! Wahoo, we were broke but we didn’t care we had a place in the world that was ours.

In 2006, well apparently that was a slow year because I can’t remember anything happening then we just got to know Harlie, and learned how to be parents.

2007 brought Lucas, selling the house and the move to ST George, and then the hardest year of Marriage Tyson and I ever had to face…I am so grateful that we came out of it stronger than ever, and mostly unscarred.

2008 was the year we moved back into the Salt Lake Valley. Lucas had to be rushed to Primary Children’s because he over dosed on adult strength Tylenol. My dad went into a Septic shock, and my sister and I found him and I have never been more scared. The sepsis damaged him and set a course for his future. Change at work brought a breath of fresh air. We lost Tyson’s grandpa. We also found out we were expecting baby number 3 towards the end of 2008, and we knew we were spending a lot of last holidays with my dad.

And well we won’t rehash 2009. All you have to do is look in the previous posts if you’re curious.

So 2010, and the decade to come….What do you hold?

November 13, 2009

Ohhh Luke

Today Harlie was pushing Luke's buttons (as she tends to do) and
Luke says: "Harlie you make me so mad I go sit on stairs so I not be so mad!" (sounding a little like a cave man)
Harlie: "That's the naughty spot you know, it's for time out"
Luke: " No it's my MAD spot right now!"

November 11, 2009

Locks Of Love

Harlie has been asking for short hair a couple weeks now and Tyson and I reluctantly decided that if she was going to cut off all of that beautiful hair, we wanted to explain the locks of love program to her and see if that was what she would like to do. She jumped at the chance to finally have short hair like mom! And she was happy to help out someone who's medicine makes them lose all their hair. A big Thanks to Aunt Amy for doing such an amazing job! I asked Harlie if she felt like a new woman, and she said "no I'm still just Harlie, just a Harlie with short hair"

October 27, 2009

I love this kid!

Luke I'm a Daddy, right Mommy?
Me: You're a Daddy huh, how many kids do you have?
Luke: (Counting his fingers) one, two, three um Six!
Me: What are their names?
Luke: Lukie Joiner Campbell...Like Me!

October 24, 2009

Renovations at my mom's house

On Thursday we decided to have a painting party at my mom's house to keep the renovations moving forward..I think we got more paint on ourselves than on the walls but we had so much fun!

October 20, 2009

Crazy Beautiful

5 years ago today Tyson and I became a family, yes we were technically a family the day we got married but when you have your first child something changes between you, everything changed and got crazy beautiful as they say. I can remember the day Harlie was born like it was yesterday, I was so scared, and so excited. When I looked into Tyson’s eyes as he looked at her for the first time, I learned what love at first sight truly meant. Tyson went from a daring hurried driver to a cautious one the day we left the hospital; that day we realized that the world around us had changed somehow. Watching your firstborn is a strange feeling, you feel like your heart is outside of your chest and walking around just ready to be broken. You are so scared of everything, germs, people…yourself. Having Harlie in our lives is such a blessing and I don’t know what I would ever do without her sweet soul in my life. She is the most spiritual amazing kid I know. She has been the one to walk before she crawled, She talked early, and sometimes I love to just sit and ask her questions because I love hearing her take on the world around her, she is very perceptive, and she is a sponge for information…thrives on it.

A few things about my big five year old…Harlie is VERY girly; she loves glitter, makeup, shiny things, shoes, dresses, dolls and anything pink. Harlie also likes bike rides, playing in the water, cooking, coloring, and drawing, Animals, And her Grandmas.
Harlie’s heart is solid gold, she is the most sympathetic person I know, and if she see’s that someone is sad she is asking them what’s wrong and wanting to do something nice to cheer them up. She loves learning, she loves to hear about new things, and I have no doubt she will be amazing in school. Harlie love’s going to primary and has learned so much about Jesus and Heavenly father, which in turn has taught her more about her self.
She is the one who never lets us slide on prayers, and most of the time is more than willing to talk with her heavenly father.

Harlie has had a lot to deal with this year and she stays so positive, she just accepts the way things are and moves forward. I hope she takes that into her future, because it will help her out so much.

I love this amazing big girl more than I can ever express, She teaches me so much everyday, and I am so glad I get to be her mommy.
Happy Birthday Harlie!!!

October 15, 2009

Making it A Home

I am finally posting a before and after of our new house!

Harlie and Madison's Room

Luke's Room

Master Bedroom

Entry Room and down the stairs from upstairs
Family Room

And the Kitchen

October 11, 2009

Madi's Baby Blessing

Madison was blessed today, it was a very special blessing full of some awesome things her heavenly father wanted her (and us) to know. After the Blessing we had everyone over to our house for soup, Fresh rolls, and treats. Thanks to everyone who helped with the food, and thanks to everyone who came or who though of Madison on her blessing day. I know more than ever that I have a heavenly father who loves us and knows of our needs. I am so grateful to him for trusting me with 3 of his children, and hope to make him proud.

These Are some Harlie's Cute Cousins Clockwise l-r Alyssa, Amber, Emily, Harlie and Lois, and a picture that makes it look like Tyson slipped something extra into his punch.

October 9, 2009

Drivers license for Luke?

Yesterday Madison had her 2 month check up, while we were there the Dr was asking me what happened to Lukes eye, and I explained to him that over the weekend he and Harlie had been playing superman off the top bunk bed, a little while later Luke says "mom can we go?"
(I know a bored 2 year old at a Dr's office...strange) and Dr Lofgren says "I want to go too, but I got dropped off so I don't have a car" and Luke says "I have car, but I can't drive, mommy says I have to have a drives lices" so Dr Lofgren proceeds to write Luke a license to drive with restrictions...Luke was the most proud kid I have ever seen carrying that paper out of the building.

if you can't read it it says :" Luke may drive anything that has pedals he can reach. He may not use anything with a motor. No more Superman! " (the smudge is slurpee if you were wondering)