March 31, 2009

Excuse my lack of update

No Blog updates, messy house, dirty dishes in the sink....

I know it's a lame excuse but I've been sick with a sinus infection, I have a prescription as of today so I will be on the mend soon. But I just wanted to let everyone know I am not purposely neglecting my blog. I also wanted to share what small news we have. I think we have decided on a name, meaning we have liked the same name for more than 24 hours ha ha. We're going to call our little bundle "Madison Rose", Madison we just liked and the Rose comes from my middle name. When we have told Harlie other names we had in mind she has snubbed them saying "NO that isn't her name" and when we talked about this one she said "Yeah, I was going to tell you that her name was Madison Rose" We're not going to have any funky spelling and get creative this time, we're going by the book. Harlie's name means "wild Child", Luke's name means "peace maker" and Madison's name means......Son of Matthew...So apparently the meaning of the name does not come into play for us.

Also last week Tyson "beat up" an old man at work and sent him to the hospital...Ask him about that one. He didn't throw any punches so save the hate mail, it was just a very freaky accident. And Tyson has been worried sick about the old man since it happened.

Harlie and Luke are doing well. Luke got bit by my mom's dog and has a swollen bruised up ear, but is basically ok, he just learned to count to 5, and with little help can count to 10. He has never really shown any interest in coloring, or drawing until lately. He likes to color and paint, and wants to learn how to use scissors, but in the future will hopefully refrain from cutting his shirts.

Harlie love's learning, and right now asks me how to spell everything...She'll walk around saying "Mom is Em Oh Em" and she can sometimes spell dad and her name...Sometimes she recites random letters and thinks she's spelling a word she really isn't.
She is also drawing pictures with stories to tell. A few days ago she drew a picture and told me that it was me, yelling at Lucas. Her pictures always have letters hidden in them, and she's always excited when we want to give them away or hang them on the fridge.

Well that's all for now..


Trish said...

I absolutely love, love, love the name! I'd like to think the "Rose" is after me as well! J/k Anyhow, I am glad things are going well with your little bunch!
Love ya!

Campbell said...

you should get they might be giants "here come the abc's" dvd. I'll bet Harlie would love it.

you say Tyson didn't throw a punch but you mention nothing about him throwing a tire. haha

well at least Tyson followed the advise of "never pick a fight you can't win."

soup-sista said...

I am so glade that you are going to start feeling better. I love that name also it is perfect!! Tell Tyson it will be ok- and i know he didn't mean to push the tire in front of the old man. J/k i know he had nothing to do with anything. oh ya abby always cut her clothes.... so frustrating

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