May 26, 2009

Conversation with Harlie

Last night Harlie kept getting out of bed and this is how the conversation went.

Me: Harlie why aren't you staying in bed?
Harlie: Mom I'm having trouble sleeping
Me: try counting in your mind
Harlie: That's silly
Me: Well you need to get some sleep because Grandma is watching you early in the morning
Harlie: *long pause* Mom will you drive me to Grandma's ?
Me: I wasn't going to make you walk...get to sleep
Harlie: What if I just lay here and you come and get me when it's time to go, then I will put on my shoes and we can leave.
Me: Harlie you need to go to sleep
Harlie: Ok Fine!

This morning
Harlie: Mom, I didn't go to sleep, I just waited till morning in my bed

Me: suuuuuuuuuuuuureee you did

1 comment:

Trish said...

Harlie makes me laugh!