August 26, 2009

Goodbye Dad

My Dad S. Ferrell Beagley passed away yesterday morning, after battling so many health problems. He passed away the day after his and my mom's 36th wedding Anniversary. So many angels came to guide him home. The feeling in his bedroom the night before he left was so sacred and special to me. And I am so glad that he doesn't have to be in pain any longer, and that he is reunited with so many loved ones.


( By Renee Caruso)

Goodbye Dad,
I'll see you soon
I'll remember you each and every day
And if I need to talk I'll just have to pray
I'm so sad to see you go
This I hope you will know
Daddy, I'm so sad
I'm too young to lose my Dad
If you were here you'd say, be strong
And maybe even play or sing me a song
It's just so hard to say goodbye
I can't help but to break down and cry
I know you're in heaven up above
Watching over me with your love
Now I must remember the good times we had
Remember the man, my wonderful Dad
So until we meet again, I'll do what I can to make you proud
Honor your memory and cry out loud
Even though we are apart
Dad, you'll live on within my heart

Today I asked Harlie what her favorite thing was to do with "papa" and she told me that she loved going on scooter rides around the neighborhood. I asked her if there was anything else and she said "lots of things papa and did made me have fun" but she wouldn't elaborate. Dad I am so glad that you were such a wonderful "papa" and that Harlie will have all of these memories to pass on to Luke and Madison when they wonder about you.
I am so glad that you were with mom one last Anniversary and that we had a chance to say goodbye. The next few days will be hard, but deep inside I know that you and I will see each other again. And I am so grateful to the Lord for giving me the family and friends that I have.
I love you Dad!

August 24, 2009

A quick update

We have been busy with painting this weekend but I just wanted to do a quick update.
The nurse from hospice told us that my dad's lungs are filling with fluid, and that he may last a couple of days at best. When I visited him this morning, he didn't know who we were. He was rolling his blanket and swiping at things in the air that were not there. He is constantly talking, but it's all slurred or mixed up and nothing makes much sense. I took my camera so that I could get pictures of he and the kids, and then decided that was probably not wise, he looks pretty bad and that is not what I want them to remember...This is going to be a tough week.

Madison is growing, and still sleeps a lot. Luke and Harlie are excited for the new house and a little bit unsure of things because their world is changing so much right now...Tyson and I are just ready to have one place to live and all of our belongings under one roof and out of boxes...We move Saturday..hopefully.

Thank you everyone for your love and support, we are so blessed to have such great friends and family to encourage us.

August 12, 2009

Picnic in the mountains

Yesterday we had a little picnic up at Tanners Flats, we wanted to be able to sneak in one more camping trip before winter, but it looks like we just have too much going on. So we opted for a picnic. I pretty much stayed near our spot with Madison while Tyson, Harlie and Luke when adventuring to find the river. It was so nice to just get out and get fresh air, there is just something therapeutic about a canyon breeze and a mountain river that you can't find anyplace else. Anyway here are a few pictures of our couple of hours in the canyon

August 10, 2009

Oh by the way

Jared won the expect net game. Click here

to view your score. (remember the fewest points wins)

PS we didn't forget the prize...we are thinking...

August 5, 2009

Baby Madison Rose

Madison Rose was born on Monday August 3rd at 1:25 pm, she weighed 7 lbs 7 Oz and was 19 Inches long. Labor and delivery went very well, and we are so glad to have her in our family.

Luke and Harlie were skeptical at best and needless to say the initial introduction did not go as well as I had hoped, and both of them went running back out into the hallway....They warmed up to her though and I'm pretty much sure that they are hooked.

Madison is a very quiet alert baby, she LOVED her bath and looked like she was lounging in it.

The hospital has a special dinner for mom and dad and they brought in this table and a full dinner set up. It was no 4 star restaurant but it was very nice to sit down to a dinner together.

Baby Madi, all ready to go home. The little bear in the bassinet was from Harlie, she wanted Madison to have a "pet" so she wouldn't be scared.

We love this little angel, and are so grateful that she is here safe.

August 1, 2009

New blog URL soon...and other stuff

Most likely sometime in the next couple weeks I will be changing our blog address to, this is because there will be more than four of us..So write down that address for when this one doesn't work anymore. .

I am being induced monday morning at 7:30, wish us a speedy delivery with no complications!

What can I say when we shake things up, we like to shake em all the way up. We also put in an offer on a house in Saratoga Springs and it was accepted, if all goes well (inspections and appraisals) we close on the 26th of this month and can move in after the 28th...We are very excited to be out of an apartment and back into a house, with a yard for the kids to play in. Here are a couple pics Tyson grabbed of the front of the house (and some shots of our real estate agent on the front porch) it has 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths, and an unfinished partial basement!