June 4, 2010

Improptu Picnic

We got a phone call from Tyson's sister Rebecca that her Family and the Larson's (who were here for like a 24 hour period, if you blinked you missed them) were going up to the mountains for a picnic for dinner/Roberts Birthday. So I packed up the kids and had Tyson meet us there. It was very nice and the first time I had been in the mountains since right after Madi was born. I snapped a few pictures but we mostly just hung out. It's so much fun to see my kids playing with their cousins. And Tyson's arm didn't have to be twisted to ride his motercycle in the mountains, in fact he drove all the way up to the top of the canyon and back down to the bottom (where we were picnicking) We love the mountains, and the Barton's and Larson's !


Heather said...

I am so glad that we at least got to see some people. Thanks for remembering your camera. Love ya!

Cameron and Sarah said...

Looks like you guys had fun!