October 21, 2010

Randomness about Cathedrals

Does anyone else ever feel like they have sacrificed so much of themselves that they have very little of themselves left? This is how I felt a couple days ago as we were going through a closet getting ready to turn it into a bathroom. My husband picked up my Cricut machine and went to take it down to the basement...Panic went through me as I watched him start to carry something I love to do down into the basement along with MY easel, My oil paints and canvases my craft supplies...more of me getting put aside because I don't have (MAKE) time for it...My sweet husband immediately started devising a plan to get my hobbies upstairs where they are more accessible and more likely to be used. And no, this plan has not come to life yet, but the fact that he is trying makes me feel like my efforts and sacrifices are not in vain. And just like the craftsmen who built the great cathedrals, what I am building with these sacrifices may never be seen, I will never see it finished, but my creator sees. And the beauty of what I am building will long outlive me. So if you ever feel this way, know that you are not alone. And that your efforts are seen.

1 comment:

Heather said...

So stinking true!!!!! I hope Tyson is able to get your stuff out in a usable space for you quickly too! You have so much talent to share!