October 10, 2010

Sunday Bloody Sunday

At lunchtime today, Harlie was sitting at one of the chairs in the kitchen playing with the bar stool with her feet. Tipping it back and forth, she tipped it too far and down it went and somehow her too, she hit her head pretty hard on the floor. I yelled at her and looked at the back of her head which looked fine. I told her to stop goofing around and to hurry up and eat. She stopped crying and a couple hours later she had her back to Tyson and I, and Tyson asked "how did she get blood on her dress" I was like what blood and looked at the back of her neck and shirt and there was dried blood on them, and all matted in her hair. So we took her upstairs to rinse it out and get a better look. We couldn't see where it was coming from just that it was still oozing. We went with our gut and I took her to the insta-care..Which was closed...So I took her to another one..Which was also closed. Tyson called me and looked up one that was opened and I took her there. They got us in, put some numbing gel on her wound and we waited..Then finally we got in and they put some more numbing stuff on her head. Then they rinsed, and rinsed and rinsed. Then the dr came in and pulled out a clot..looked at her wound and told her that they were going to have to put in a couple of staples, that it was not large just deep. Harlie was very concerned about staples and told the Dr no. The nurse explained that they were not staples like for paper. There were a different kind of staples, which put Harlie's mind at ease so they put in 2 staples and gave her a Popsicle and we were finally on our way home. Needless to say it was a LOOOOONG Sunday, and we're all drained and I feel like a horrible mom for yelling at her and not taking care of her to begin with .


Keely said...

I'm sorry! That's a total bummer! AND you are not a bad mom!!! Not even close! Don't be so hard on yourself. Kids are tough! :) I'm glad she is doing good. This will be one of those stories you can look back and laugh at someday. :)

Jared said...


It's good the nurse explained to her that these are a different kind of staple. Wouldn't want her to cut her finger and then try to fix it by putting staples in it. :)

Anonymous said...

Dee you are not a bad mom. We missed you yesterday. Glad Harlie is doing better. MOM

Cameron and Sarah said...

Poor Harlie and poor mommy! Hope you guys have a better day! :)

Heather said...

That is odd that it was not GUSHING blood! I mean head wounds are usually really bloody! I am glad that things went well enough though. Love ya!!!!

Tyson and DeeAnna said...

This was after the nurse had been flushing it with water for about 20 minutes. SO it was clean for a second