November 18, 2011

Whitney's Wedding!

On September 17th Whitney (Tyson's youngest sister) got married. The ceremony went so well, and Whit and Kodee looked so happy. I was crazed taking pictures, and Tyson was busy talking to family. Madison is like a tiny ninja, first sneaking away and falling down a cement ramp then smacking her face on the cement, Aunt Sarah saved her and helped her feel better. The Madi snuck off and climbed face first into a fountain. Luckily Aunt Heather was there to save the day and pull her out. Ahhh Love!

Fun in the sun

We spent lots of time in water this summer, whether it was at Seven Peaks or just in the yard.

My Baby Brother got married

My baby brother got married on August 18Everyone except Madi was part of the wedding party. However I wanted Madi to match us in pictures so she got a new dress too!

Catching up! Madison's Birthday

Since I started school I am on the computer so much that I hate spending any extra time there. I also have discussion posts and papers to write that have to meet a certain word count, so the last thing I want to do is have to write more. Watching our family blogs I have noticed that very few of us have been keeping up with them, I am going to try to change that.

First off Madison's Birthday!!

My Baby turned two! Her birthday was pretty low key with family and brownies and Ice Cream.
Madison in her two years of life has learned so much, some of the things she has learned recently are: Talking, she says any and everything. She recently learned how to jump with both feet, a task she worked hard to master. She loves to color, she has just started having a very active imagination, if you listen to her play with toys, they all talk to each other and have big story lines. I love this crazy little firecracker! I enjoy her spunk, it always keeps life interesting.

May 11, 2011


For those of you who follow my posts on facebook this will be nothing new..BUT the past two weeks have been very eventful around here.
The week before last I got all signed up to start college on the 25th of this month (May) I will be in school approximately until April of 2014. I will be taking online courses to obtain a bachelors in Graphic Arts. There are a few business classes involved as most people who work in the graphic arts field do free lance work. My goal is to do web design and photography from home. I will graduate the year Madison starts Kindergarten and as of right now we plan on her being our last so if I find something outside of the home eventually I can schedule around the kids schooling so that I will be home for them.

We have also visited the urgent care 3x in 6 days lately. First Harlie had pneumonia. She started with a fever for a few days and I couldn't keep control over it..So I took her in. It was very traumatizing for her for several reasons..first she had to pee into a resevoir in front of her mom and brother and sister. Since I took the kids to the instacare by myself there was no one to leave them with so the party moved into the rest room and Harlie was protesting VERY passionately(freakout #1). THEN when the strep test came back clean and the pee test came back clean they decided to do a chest scan, which was fine with Harlie until she found out she'd have to put on a hospital gown (FREAK OUT #2) ...The scan showed some fluid. They had to get her started on a strong antibiotic right then because of her age and the amount of fluid. The poor nurses had to have me pin her down (screaming) while each of them shot a HUGE amount of stuff into either of her legs. (freakout #3) I can't explain how hard it was to listen to her beg the entire hour we were at the instacare for me to just take her home was rough on both of us and the 2 kids were being SO naughty my nerves were shot by the time we left.

Instacare trip number 2 was for Tyson, he couldn't see out of one eye, the light hurt him and he was in so much pain, it was the next day (last Wednesday) we were going to wait till Thursday for him to go in. But then he would have driven himself to work, from work to the eye dr and then back to work, with cyclops vision. I called the instacare at 8:30 and they said we'd have to go to the draper clinic but that they closed at nine so we'd have to hurry. We threw the kids into the car and I drove as fast as was safely possible and we had ten-ish minutes to spare. Tyson came home with some expensive eye drops and rocking an awesome eye patch (which I will have to make him sport one last time for pictures)

Instacare trip number 3 was on Sunday. Madison had been running a fever and lethargic for a couple days, she was not eating or drinking and was lethargic. Hers was an ear infection (her fourth this winter) she is feeling MUCH better and hopefully we can be done with all that fun for awhile.

Anyway just wanted to update..sorry no pictures.

April 15, 2011

Boys will be boys

Wednesday was a sunny day, perfect for a day in the yard. We played hard Luke (mr I need to use the potty every ten seconds) was in and out of the house for his usual potty breaks....I didn't think much of it..So time comes we need to go inside so Madison could go down for her afternoon nap (yes she still takes 2 naps a day) and My friend Jackie was over and her son Carver needed to go potty...we head to the front door, big deal we head to the inside garage door hmmm also locked. Um no key no husband anytime in the next few hours now what. While Jackie ran her son a few houses down to use the potty I was busy checking every window I could reach. Then I decided to check the sliding door. I had opened it in the morning to let in fresh air, and normally it locks when you slide it shut. BUT fortune smiled upon us and the lock malfunctioned and Harlie was able to get in and unlock the doors....I figured WHEW that was our adventure for the day.

Not quite, Luke loves to go out to let the dog potty, SO he did this and then came back with no puppy. I asked "Luke, where's Rylie? " "outside" he says and So I run outside and spent a good 20 minutes which sounds not so long but to me seemed like forever. Then we found Rylie in a neighbors back yard under their deck. I would be lying if I said the idea of not having to yell at her anymore (for chewing something or someone, or for peeing on my carpet ) didn't cross my mind. But I am very glad we found her, And very glad for my little boy, who keeps things interesting around here.

March 11, 2011

Our newest Family Member

We have been planning on getting a puppy once our fence is complete, the fence is not yet complete but the action is starting with it so we started puppy shopping. Her name is Rylie and she is an English Bulldog/Yellow Lab Mix. She is very sweet. And our kids are SO happy.

February 8, 2011


Our First day at Disney was Friday, we stayed till around 10 ish that night so that we could watch Fantasmic...I didn't take pictures sorry ..Below are the kids ready for a train ride.

That's Ben Haroldsen with Luke on the train.

this was the best shot I could get inside of the submarines...I was too close so you only get half of Harlie's cute face

Luke hates his hat turned anyway but forward Tyson pinned down his arms and turned it sideways...

We met Woody and Jessie, Harlie wouldn't go meet Mickey so just Luke got to do that. On Saturday we spent most of the day at Disneyland and then we headed over to California adventures. We had never heard of or been on the tower of terror so we decided to take the kids and go on that...Um bad bad idea. It is a ride that takes you up about 12 stories and then drops you...repeatedly. Both kids were disturbed and had sick tummies when we stepped off. So the next ride we went on was a more kids friendly one. We didn't stay at the park long that day we were all disney'd out.

On Sunday we spent the day at the beach and exploring..Then we came home and spent some time with Grandma Alberta. On Monday I forgot the camera so Ben and Elisha took pictures for us, and I'll post them when they send em to me.
Monday we spent most of the day at California Adventures, We got to watch an Alladin musical, that was very cool...then went back to Disneyland to hit some of our favorite rides...Pirates of the Caribbean, Thunder Mountain Railroad....and a few others. Since the lines were short we were able to hit several. Then we watched a light and water show called World of Color and since both kids were tired and we felt like our feet might fall off, we headed back to grandmas and said goodbye to DisneyLand

And this is a scenic portion of our LOOOOOOOOOONG boring ride home...We headed to my mom's house to pick up Madison (who glared at both of Tyson and I, and would not let us pick her up) and headed home exhausted. We had so much fun! And made some memories I hope will last a life time.

January 21, 2011

Make Enough of Me

So I stumbled across this song on Youtube that I had never heard before, by an artist I have grown to LOVE, And as I am listening to the words of this song I am thinking...she wrote this about my did she know? I think most mom's can relate..

Make enough Of me

(Julie De Azevado)

Overwhelmed and underpaid
Morning comes too soon
Running late and on my plate
A million things to do

Got a baby cryin’
Another trying to find the other shoe
When I open my eyes
The dam will break
Their need will flood my room

You made wine from water
And raised up Jairus’ daughter
From her bed
From her bed
Filled the empty fishing nets
And with some loaves and fishes fed
A hungry crowd
A hungry crowd
Make enough of me to go around

My mother’s sick
And I’m late to pick up kids at school
I need to clean
Can’t fit in my jeans
The fidge gives no comfort food

You made wine from water
Raised up Jairus’ daughter from her bed
From the dead
Filled the empty fishing nets
And with some loaves and fishes
Fed a hungry crowd
I hunger now
Make enough of me to go around

Multiply and magnify
This tiny little life of mine
Enlarge me
And expand this heart
And fill it with divine

My heart is cold
Nothing grows
But thistles and some thorns
They choke the light
And shrink the vine
I need to be reborn

You made wine from water
And told a scarlet daughter
Sin no more
Sin no more
Surrendered to the garden
Through thorns and nails you pardoned
The angry crown
The angry crowd
Make enough of me to go around
Make enough of me to go around

January 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Luke!!!

Happy Birthday to my little man!!!!!!!!!!!
We love this little guy so much, he is so smart and such a little cuddle bug! He makes being a mom amazing everyday!