April 15, 2011

Boys will be boys

Wednesday was a sunny day, perfect for a day in the yard. We played hard Luke (mr I need to use the potty every ten seconds) was in and out of the house for his usual potty breaks....I didn't think much of it..So time comes we need to go inside so Madison could go down for her afternoon nap (yes she still takes 2 naps a day) and My friend Jackie was over and her son Carver needed to go potty...we head to the front door, LOCKED..no big deal we head to the inside garage door hmmm also locked. Um no key no husband anytime in the next few hours now what. While Jackie ran her son a few houses down to use the potty I was busy checking every window I could reach. Then I decided to check the sliding door. I had opened it in the morning to let in fresh air, and normally it locks when you slide it shut. BUT fortune smiled upon us and the lock malfunctioned and Harlie was able to get in and unlock the doors....I figured WHEW that was our adventure for the day.

Not quite, Luke loves to go out to let the dog potty, SO he did this and then came back with no puppy. I asked "Luke, where's Rylie? " "outside" he says and So I run outside and spent a good 20 minutes which sounds not so long but to me seemed like forever. Then we found Rylie in a neighbors back yard under their deck. I would be lying if I said the idea of not having to yell at her anymore (for chewing something or someone, or for peeing on my carpet ) didn't cross my mind. But I am very glad we found her, And very glad for my little boy, who keeps things interesting around here.


Jared said...

if only we could split the difference with Luke. Luke wants to go all the time and Max never wants to go.

Max will just go potty in his "Buzz's" (pull-ups) if he is having too much fun playing.

Tyson and DeeAnna said...

ha ha that would be awesome!!! Sign me up!

Heather said...

Oh, man! We may have to split with you too. Sedona does not even have to be playing to not want to go lately, she just does not want to go into the bathroom. GRRR!!!!