July 10, 2012

Meet Sarah

Sarah is 4 years old,  about 3 feet tall. Love's animals, spaghetti, climbing, jumping and many other typical things four year olds love. 

I have often heard that when you give birth to a child, they grow in your tummy, but when you adopt a child, they grow in your heart. Sarah is growing in our hearts, every day she is with us. And we have started the process to adopt this amazing girl and give her a forever family. 

Things have been an emotional roller coaster since she arrived into our home, but calm gets so boring right? We are all adjusting and she loves having siblings. The funny thing about this is, she has told her grandma since she got her that she wanted a mommy, a daddy, a big sister and brother and a baby sister. She custom ordered our family, and we have been blessed since we got her. 

1 comment:

Robert said...

We loved gettng to know her better on the camping trip.