August 29, 2012

Luke started Kindergarten!!

Luke Started Kindergarten yesterday!!
He was so excited, he picked out the clothes he wore about 2 weeks ago
Last week he spent the week asking me if I could just "put him on the bus"
I kept telling him that I couldn't because there would be no teacher yet.
I asked him before school what he was most excited for in Kindergarten?
He said learning to read and playing on the playground with friends.
When he got off the bus he seemed so much older to me. 
I started asking him questions about his day and he finally said "Mom I don't want to talk
any more I just want to go play" And so it starts. 

Harlie also started 2nd Grade last week, and is loving it. She really likes her teacher
and is enjoying making new friends. She was very upset because her favorite classmate
from 1st grade and Kindergarten (Leah) was not in her class this year, but she is
enjoying all of the new little friends she is making.

I can't believe how fast my kiddos are growing!

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