April 5, 2008

Lucas the Fish

Lucas the fish's tank has been nasty for a couple of days, but we cleared out our storage unit so I have been dealing with my dirty fish tank for a few days...

So anyway I went to clean his tank today, and he's dead...I quickly scoop him out of the tank and flush him down the toilet, without Harlie seeing because she'd never use the toilet again if she saw me. I then run in and start cleaning his tank I'm dumping his water down the kitchen sink and Harlie goes "MOMMY don't dump him down sink!!" and I said "I didn't honey he's in the cup" (because I normally put him in a plastic cup while I clean the tank) and she looks around for cups "I don't see him, you dump him down sink?" with sad big brown eyes that are tearing up ..uh.....uh....quick mom think!

Harlie "did Becca take him?" "No honey, Becca only took your Gack nothing else" slight tears form at this point "he's down sink?" crap crap crap, I think , If I tell her he's dead she's going to think I dumped him down the drain, no matter what I tell her so I say "no honey, he went to work with Daddy" great now I'm a big fat liar..but it's okay this time because she walks away smiling and laughing "that silly fish, we don't work with daddy at count tires" (because she can't say discount tire she calls his work 'count tires')

So I then take the phone in the bedroom and call Tyson and let him know that the fish has taken the porcelain expressway to a better place and tell him that I told Harlie he went to work with daddy , so he says "and so I need to stop on my way home and get a new one?" and I said "if you wouldn't mind, sorry I panicked she almost cried hon"

Since daddy is as big of a softy for those big sad brown eyes, he stopped on his way home for lunch and bought a Lucas the fish II , and Harlie giggled and smiled when he carried that fish in the door, and kept telling the fish "you don't work at count tires with daddy, you stay in your bowl", apparently we've been WAY over feeding the fish. I swear the bowl said 2 times a day, and apparently you are only supposed to feed him 2-3 times A WEEK!

So RIP Lucas the fish SR. You were a good beta, but, your BMI was much too high...typical american....LOL

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