April 7, 2008

Thats not a good idea

Yesterday during President Monson's talk before the 2 hour break, Harlie was setting up a balancing course. She took a box that is being unpacked and pushed it next to the coffee table. Then she took her child sized broom laid it between and attempted to walk across, Tyson said "that's not a good idea Harlie" Then she had one foot on it and one on the floor and continued across. She triumphantly said "See it WAS a good idea!" Then proceeded to attempt it again, only this time with both feet on the broom..Yes at this point I should have intervened, but I'm a supporter of the learning your lesson technique so I let her continue, hoping she would fall just hard enough to learn a lesson, well she fell alright, albeit a little harder than needed, and I'm pretty sure that she learned a lesson because she hit the coffee table HARD and her chin is bruised & Swollen pretty bad. We did however offer comfort and kisses before we launched the "see it wasn't a good idea" lecture.

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