September 28, 2008

Charlie the Bear, and first Primary program

Harlie's first primary program was today...Why is it that I couldn't stop getting emotional?
She did really well...Well sort of. We have sacrament last, and during her primary class she was given "charlie the bear & his journey log" Way cute idea, it's a tote bag, with a teddy bear who wears a tie, and then there is a little journal book, and inside on the next blank page you are supposed to write something about Harlie, and a good choice she made. You're also supposed to put a picture on the page of Harlie. So anyway, it's time to get up on the stand with her primary and she wants to take Charlie the bear with her, we probably would have just let her had it not been for her teacher instructing us to make sure Charlie stayed with us, and not Harlie during the program. So she melted down and wouldn't go with her class, Tyson went up with her and somehow managed to make her want to stay. After that it was smooth sailing. She had this little part about how the Gospel makes her happy, and it was an inspiring moment to hear her say it.
My little girl is getting so big....

September 26, 2008

Lucas the Bully

Lucas is turning into a bully! I don't know what to do. He is always hitting.
I've tried everything I can think of...even resorted to the *smack* we don't hit...LOL
Yeah not a ton of logic there. Yesterday he headbutted Harlie so hard I could have sworn that she would have a black eye, but luckily it faded. Some random person would say:"Harlie what happened to your eye?" Harlie:"My brother beat me up" NO Good!

September 18, 2008

This week (being bloggier)

This week has been a bit busy. On the days I am not working I am tending a friends son who is the same age as Harlie which spells double trouble, throw Luke into the mix and it's a triple threat.
Work has been a bit hectic, The boss I've had for the past nine years was let go, and I have a new boss who is amazing, she's young and she has great new ideas for the store, so all in all it will be a good thing, as of right now we are in the getting everything changed to the way she wants it, so there is a lot of work to be done, and never a dull moment.

Tyson also has a new boss, and recently got promoted so he is basically one promotion away from having his own store. I am so proud of him and how devoted he is to providing for our little family.

This week we bought a 40" LCD TV so we are enjoying the update around here. Tyson is playing Xbox on it as I type this.

I missed the sign up date so Harlie won't be taking Ballet this fall, but I am looking in to some other things to keep her occupied. She's growing by leaps and bounds and really she loves to draw. Tonight she drew a flower and it looked like something Tyson or I would have drawn.
She says the funniest things and every other day she decides she's getting a cow or a horse or some other enormous animal that you could never have with an apartment (Or without at least 5 acres of property) She loves her little brother and it amazes me how protective of him she is.

Luke is gaining a vocabulary and is officially our repeat box. If there is anything you have said that you don't want repeated trust in Luke to say it. It is nice however that he has the words to convey what he needs a little better. And he has an amazing sense of humor already. He plays little jokes that he thinks are hilarious..And we can always count on him to stick a pair of pants on his head and walk around like a clown.

All in all our little family is good, and happy. And you can't complain much about that combination.

September 7, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

So we spent Labor day weekend with some friends in Saint George Utah, We had fun swimming and The went camping for the weekend.
It was very relaxing (well as relaxing as camping with a toddler and an almost 4 year old can be) We made s'mores, Harlie fell in love with Acorns , that she kept calling Apernuts (I think she was getting apricots and nuts mixed up) Luke just loved the dirt, and the rocks and throwing the dirt and the rocks. And even in the desert he found water to play in....Ben Brought his four wheelers, and we had alot of fun on them.

Tyson and Ben went on a long ride and even found an Arch.
We had so much fun and we were glad Ben and Elisha let us stay with them.