September 26, 2008

Lucas the Bully

Lucas is turning into a bully! I don't know what to do. He is always hitting.
I've tried everything I can think of...even resorted to the *smack* we don't hit...LOL
Yeah not a ton of logic there. Yesterday he headbutted Harlie so hard I could have sworn that she would have a black eye, but luckily it faded. Some random person would say:"Harlie what happened to your eye?" Harlie:"My brother beat me up" NO Good!

1 comment:

Trish said...

What a little stinker. Garrett has been hitting lately as well. I just put him in time out and then make him apologize and hug the victim! I think it's just a phase that will pass but it sucks in the process!! I think when girl's are upset they tend to cry and boys hit to get their frustration out. That's my philosophy on the matter!
Love ya',