January 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Luke!

He came to me a day before his due date, that’s Luke for you he’ll come when he’s ready, but not when you expect him to. The day he was born was an amazing one….For a long time I never thought I would find the perfect man, and then I did. And now I was half responsible for raising this tiny boy into a man, if he is half as amazing of a man as his dad I will feel like I did my job. But here he was, so tiny and with that New Infant scent. He looked up at me and I knew it was love. I wasn’t the only one who fell in love so fast, his dad and big sister couldn’t have loved him more He was the best baby, he hardly cried. And when he did it was only long enough to let his dad and I know that something was wrong, even when Harlie was shoving straws down his throat or swatting him with her mini broom, he barely let out a peep.

He’s always been a smiley boy, and his smiles can melt me faster than anything, he smiles with his whole body. Once he started to crawl we started to see a different side of him, a more adventurous side…But little did we know what would change when he started to walk, Grandma Rachel says when he started walking it was like “someone unleashed the Lukey” He went from this mild natured quiet baby, to a curious, loud, little boy who wanted to throw balls, crash trucks and drive cars up and down your arm. I am almost positive that he never learned to walk, but rather he just learned to run.

I’ve never been more scared than I was the night he overdosed on Tylenol. Something tried to whisper that he would be ok…But the mom side of me, didn’t know how I could bear losing this amazing little boy that I was sure I hadn’t had near enough time with. At Primary Children’s for over 24 hours I didn’t leave his side, except when my mother in law made me go to the cafeteria to get something to eat, and when I had to drive home to get his car seat because he rode in an ambulance to the hospital. I still remember the nurses face when she had to come in for the 10th time to re insert his IV line. This little boy, who was supposed to be lethargic, still couldn’t hold still enough to keep in the IV tube. He made it through just fine and with flying colors, in spite of the IV situation. And I thank my Heavenly Father for leading us to react so quickly, because it could have been much worse.

Luke loves SpongeBob, and Diego. He loves his big sister, he loves giving hugs, and “Snuging” with mom or dad on the couch. He loves his Nemo blankie (that’s not technically his, but we won’t remind Harlie it was hers) He loves all things tools. I think he will grow up to be a handy man just like his daddy. He loves Jesus, and saying his prayers, he loves listening to stories and singing silly songs with Mom. He love’s his Papa, when we go to my mom’s house he is rarely off of Papa’s lap. He loves all of his extended family, and always has smiles for them. I am so blessed to know someone so pure, with such a big heart and even more blessed to be his Mommy.


Trish said...

Happy Birthday, Luke! We love you and miss your cute little face! Enjoy your special day!
Auntie Trish

Heather said...

What a cute post!! I wish I was that cool to think of doing something like that. Happy Birthday little guy. Keep up the good work. We love you!!!

Tyson and DeeAnna said...

I only wish I had thought of it, I've seen it on several blogs, and I thought what a great idea to recognize your child on their birthday.