January 31, 2009

My little Scrapper

I know I've posted about Luke's hitting before...This kid is such a little scrapper. Today was especially trying he got into trouble for throwing wooden blocks at his sister about 6 times this morning...Then the blocks got taken away, he got into trouble when daddy came home for throwing Lincoln Logs at his sister...twice. Then tonight the kids were playing under the computer desk and a fight broke out, we let it go for a minute to see if they could work it out...bad idea. Luke bit Harlie and near about broke skin, he left a set of purple teeth marks on her upper arm and to add insult to injury when Tyson was pulling them apart he scratched down the side of her face....Anyone have any thoughts or ideas on how to combat the biting or the throwing things at people? This kid I tell you, may be the death of me...Now if he weren't so darn cute it'd be alot easier to discipline him....


Jared said...

isn't this the situation where you bite him and say "we don't bite"

for every nasty thing he does to harlie make him do two nice things.

Heather said...

When you know what works, will you let me know. Summit has a bit of the same streak in him. I think I am going to try Jared's idea.

Tyson and DeeAnna said...

Tyson told him the next time he bites we're throwing all of his toys away....I think I like the two nice things Idea.

Trish said...

Hmmm...I like Jared's parenting advice. The throwing away of the toys never worked for me. My kids would say, okay go ahead. Maybe you could take the blocks away for a while and see what happens. Don't you just love parenthood!
Love and miss you guys!