July 2, 2009

Bear Lake 09' WARNING Tons of Pictures

This past weekend (and part of this week) we went to Bear Lake Utah, We love it there and go just about once a year with some friends of ours. The kids loved the beach, and lake and they didn't want to leave.

She likes long walks on the beach ....

Harlie and Luke got to ride on the wave runner with Daddy, Harlie was skeptical at first but they both ended up loving it and both asked daddy to drive "faster"

We learned this weekend that Harlie is DEATHLY afraid of mosquitoes. Our Friend Marissa was showing another friend Ben a mosquito that was on her arm stinging her, and Harlie was sitting right next to them, Harlie screamed frantically and cried that Marissa had a mosquito on her and that it was stinging her. The next day I was taking a nap in the tent and Tyson was watching the kids play, I woke up to what I thought was a bear attacking Harlie (because that's what she was screaming like) and came rushing out of the tent to find her in a tipped over camping chair crying because a mosquito had landed on her. This is what we woke up to in the night the remainder of our camping trip and Harlie had to be sprayed with repellent or she would not come out of the tent.

Our last night there a wind storm picked up and the kids ran into the tent to hide from it, I came inside with them to console them and as we are laying huddled on the bed, Harlie was crying that "the wind was going to blow away the tent and that it would be ruined" as I am telling her that the wind won't break the tent .....the wind breaks the tent and the half we were not in went down....and then another pole breaks and it starts collapsing around us, and we have to run into Ben and Elisha's trailer to ride out the storm....and figure out what to do about the tent. ..The storm did pass, and at about 10:30 at night we were able to get our tent back up with the help of some duct tape, and get the tired scared kids to bed.

Even though 2 poles on our tent got broken and we all got a little too much sun, we had so much fun and we can't wait till the next time we get to go to Bear Lake.

Now we have just a few weeks to get things ready for Baby Madison, and we are all very excited and can't wait for her arrival....and we're glad it didn't happen while we were on our vacation.


Carrie said...

It looks like you guys had a super time!! I love the Baywatch shot of Harlie and Tyson.

Anonymous said...

I want to go. Mom

Heather said...

What a blast!!!!! It looks so beautiful! Harlie's hair is getting so long. Thanks for all the pictures, I nearly feel like I was there.

Jared said...

awesome pictures. looks like Tyson is practicing to be the new "Hoff"

Trish said...

What a sweet trip! Wish we could have gone with you. It was great seeing you though when we did! Love you guys!