July 5, 2009

Rest in peace little Hannah

My niece Hannah passed away this morning.
Little Hannah was 7, she was born with V.A.T.E.R.S syndrome. Her right side was severely effected. Born with only one kidney and no thumb, Hannah has faced so much in her short life.
She loved animals...She had the most infectious smile. This has been a hard year on her, and she has fought bravely. I went to my sisters house this morning and had the chance to hold Hannah's hand before the mortuary came and got her, she looked so peaceful, and I am so glad I was able to make it over there to say goodbye.

Things around here have been very hard, in the past couple of moths I lost a dear friend, Tyson's little brother was in motorcycle accident, and we almost lost him, he is healing which is a blessing. My dad's health has taken a turn for the worse and he has congestive heart failure and has Hospice coming in to take care of him, and now Hannah's passing...I am not sure why all of these things have happened all so close together, and I am not sure that I am strong enough for much more...But I am so grateful that I know that death is not the end, and that the Lord wants us to keep moving forward. And so that is what we have to do...I will miss this little girl, and the amazing spirit she has, and I am so grateful for all of the things she taught me.

This is the song that reminded my sister of Hannah when she was at primary childrens a few months ago....in room 2304

Sherie Austin/Streets of Heaven

Hello God, it's me again. 2:00 a.m., Room 304.
Visiting hours are over, time for our bedside tug of war.
This sleeping child between us may not make it through the night.
I'm fighting back the tears as she fights for her life.
Well, it must be kind of crowded,
On the streets of Heaven.
So tell me: what do you need her for?
Don't you know one day she'll be your little girl forever.
But right now I need her so much more.
She's much too young to be on her own:
Barely just turned seven.
So who will hold her hand when she crosses the streets of Heaven?

Tell me God, do you remember the wishes that she made,
As she blew out the candles on her last birthday cake?
She wants to ride a pony when she'd big enough.
She wants to marry her Daddy when she's all grown up.

Well, it must be kind of crowded,
On the streets of Heaven.
So tell me: what do you need her for?
Don't you know one day she'll be your little girl forever.
But right now I need her so much more.
She's much too young to be on her own:
Barely just turned seven.
So who will hold her hand when she crosses the streets of Heaven?

Lord, don't you know she's my angel
You got plenty of your own
And I know you hold a place for her
But she's already got a home
Well I don't know if you're listenin'
But praying is all that's left to do
So I ask you Lord have mercy, you lost a son once too

And it must be kind of crowded,
On the streets of Heaven.
So tell me: what do you need her for?
Don't you know one day she'll be your little girl forever.
But right now I need her so much more.
Lord, I know once you've made up your mind,
There's no use in beggin'.
So if you take her with you today, will you make sure she looks both ways,
And would you hold her hand when she crosses the streets of Heaven.

The streets of Heaven.


Jared said...

I am so sorry for your loss. If there is anything we can do please let us know.

Heather said...

Dee, I am so sorry to hear all this is going on. Though I have to say, you are stronger that what you may think. I am so thankful to have you in my life. I am thankful for the example you are to me and my family. I wish there was something I could do to help the pain and hurt go away. Just remember families were meant to be forever.

Trish said...

Dee, I truly am so sorry for you losing such a sweet person in your life. I know there really isn't much I can say to comfort you right now but I want you to know that we love you very much and you and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Tyson and DeeAnna said...

thank you everyone, Hannah was buried yesterday, it was very hard to see such a small casket...And we will miss her. Harlie asked me if she is going to die too, I think seeing her cousin that she had played with so many times laying in a casket hit her harder than I had hoped. But she is grieving the way a kid grieves and trying to make sense of something that doesn't make a lot of sense...I am so grateful for such a strong family and friends, thank you!

Karen said...

That song always makes me cry. I'm so sorry for your loss and the trials you are facing at this time. God Bless you and your family.