September 8, 2009

Back to life

It's time now to get back on the saddle as they say, with all of the changes (Baby Madi, Moving, My Dad's passing) we have been in a funk and now we have to get back into things. Monday I go back to work (still only part time) and I'm anxious about leaving my newborn and being away from her, I know she will be loved at my moms but it's the whole being separated at first part. Luckily this weekend we get a test run, we have the Discount tire formal dinner and they are paying for a hotel room for the night for Tyson and I, so the 3 munchkins will be with Grandma Campbell for the night.

We are getting most of the boxes unpacked and got the Sitting room painted all that we have left is the Stairway hall and one bathroom (the bathroom won't need painting for a bit) Our new ward is very welcoming and we have already made friends with the neighbors next door.

At my dads viewing we took the opportunity to take a rare family photo with all of the kids and mom.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you are back in the saddle. It is ok to take it slow. See you Saturday

Jared said...

the boxes and the painting seems like it will never end.

Tyson and DeeAnna said...

Yes Jared, You and Carrie feel our pain.

Trish said...

So sorry again for your loss. I am so happy though that you guys are in your new home! Miss you guys!