March 19, 2010

10 things I love about

Miss Madison!
1. Her smile, she has the most amazing smile.
2. She bobs her head to music and looks like a bobble head
3. I love to hold her next to Luke's face and pin him down while she "kisses him"
4. The way she looks up at her big brother and sister
5. The bond she shares with my mom
6. When she wraps her little fingers around mine
7. How excited she gets in her excersaucer (thanks AMY!!!)
8. How much she loves to try new food!
9. She is so easy going and transitions to new things well.
10. She is such a good sleeper! And a baby who gets enough rest is a happy baby!

Ps don't mind her drool rash...Comes with the teething :/

1 comment:

Heather said...

She really is adorable! I cannot wait to see her.