March 20, 2010

Could it be spring???

Plants are sprouting!!! Harlie's picture is the result of leftover settings from my photography class....Iso gone wrong...Oh well
Tyson took the kids on a spring ride around the neighborhood. Luke really did have fun, just didn't want picture time.. See?ON a warm day last week, Tyson situated the Garage, and this is proof! We have 2 cars and the motercycle inside (in front of the corrolla) Also my new "swagger Waggon" as my little brother calls it....I ♥ my van!
Happy Spring!


Jared said...

Looks more like a white balance issue then an iso one.

Great pictures non-the-less.

Cant wait till Max is old enough for a ride on the motorcycle

Tyson and DeeAnna said...

could have been white balance for sure.