August 3, 2010

Baby Madi!

When Harlie was born, I learned how to be a mom, Tyson and I learned how to be a family..
Then came Luke, What Lucas taught us is how to be parents to a boy, that each child is different and that it was a good thing there was a parent for each kid, and when there wasn't, there was at least one parent with a hand for each kid...So there really isn't much a second girl will teach right?
Wrong! Madison came and she taught us that there is a rainbow during a storm...And you know the old saying about how high stress pregnancies create high stress, fussy babies..Wrong again, I don't know of many ways (though there are a few) that a pregnancy could have been higher stress..And yet Madison is the most happy laid back baby I could have asked for..She is such a blessing to our family and a reminder that life is a circle, that when something is lost, something is given.

From the beginning Madi only cried when she needed something, she fell easily into a sleep/eat/wake cycle, slept through the night by 8 weeks...and I mean ALL night. Madi has taught me that no matter how dark the night the sun always shines through in the morning. That those 2 parents are now out numbered. That having a third arm may look funny but it would come in very handy. And that when those happy, easy babies get mobile..they make up for every moment they were once peaceful.

Madison loves, all things food. She thinks all things ARE food. She loves to tease, she will let her Daddy almost give her a kiss each night, then as soon as his lips touch her cheek she moves her head...When asked to say mama, she will always say dad, though I know she knows how to say mama. She loves her big brother and big sister, and they love her dearly. She is walking between and around on walls and objects and any day now she will be completely mobile. Madison loves to stack things and though she is a girl she loves to play with cars. She loves to play with whatever Harlie and Luke are playing with and you can tell how big she feels when they let her in on the fun. Madison LOVES music, she will dance and sing along with any and all music that is played. And in her worst of moods you can always calm her down with music. Madi has a way of cuddling against you and making you feel loved. She has a smile that can melt away the worst of moods and her "fits" are more entertaining than annoying. I am so grateful for her beautiful spirit and the wonderful addition she is to our family...WE LOVE YOU! Happy Birthday my big 1 Year old!


jared said...

Happy Birthday Madi

Cameron and Sarah said...

I didn't get to read this yesterday! Madi has such a sweet and calm spirit! It's amazing how hard of a year you had and yet with all the pain you endured you were able to receive such a blessing. I love that little girl! Love you all!