April 27, 2014

Picture Of Self Worth

One of the things I struggle most with in the way we have to parent Sarah is how to build her self worth while teaching her that she needs to value others and be more compliant. It's a very slippery slope, and I am reassured by therapists that her self worth will come when the attachment starts getting strong. As you could imagine a child (or anyone for that matter) who is floating around in the world unattached to anyone probably wonders if it's because they are bad, or somehow cause their relationships to crumble. Sarah has basically no sense of self worth....none. Don't get me wrong she is very self-minded but that is not self worth...and having the combination of the two is very dangerous.

I have been reading about how taking pictures of your child's projects can help build their self worth. So yesterday I told Sarah it was Lego time and that I wanted her to take her time and make something she felt proud of, after working for about 20 minutes this beautiful child whom I have had to teach how to play normally lifted this little Lego tower and proudly showed me, I asked "can I take a picture of that? It looks really great and I can see how hard it was to build" her smile got bigger and I could see the glint of pride in her eyes, she then asked mom will you put my picture on your Facebook and in your diarrhea (which is her for diary and that is what she calls my blog), I smiled and said of course and let her watch my phone as I posted it. I will obviously be using this technique again in the future, as I refuse to believe that there is no way to build her self esteem before she attaches more.

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