November 22, 2008

Twilight Opening Day

On Friday we went to see Twilight, Most of my family was there, we went to Red robin before the movie and then walked to the theater. Tyson hasn't read the books so at the beginning I'm not sure that he understood what was happening. But we both ended up really enjoying the movie. Most of my family that was there liked it. There were a few who I think got exactly what they expected out of it, all in all for a Based on the novel by....Movie it was good.
I know this is my inner 13 year old speaking but I can't WAIT to see the sequel and have started re reading the books, just because I miss the characters or maybe just one of them...I know I know geeky.

November 18, 2008

Never too early to Start

This is how we found her the other night when we sent her in to go potty before bed
When we asked her what she was doing she said "oh I'm just reading my scriptures while I pee"
of course I ran and got the camera...She loves my scriptures she sleeps with them sometimes, and often I'll find her staring at the pages "reading"

A day without Harlie would be boring, She says the funniest things.

On Sunday as Luke is coming out of Nursery at Church she says "Luke how was your Baby Class?"

Today when I picked her up from my mom's she said "You're Aunt Late, it's not time to go home" me: "No I'm Mommy" Harlie: "No you're Aunt Late, I'm playing"

Yesterday " We don't have any juice boxes, we ran out...Is it time to go shopping, I'm making the list this time I want lots of juice...and Pickles" me: "honey we have pickles" Harlie:"then we need sprinkles, and some kid makeup, I don't have any"

November 10, 2008

Grandpa Lowell's Graduation and Family

This weekend was bitter sweet. We had Grandpa Lowell's funeral which was hard, he just didn't look like grandpa. It was weird to see him and not hear a funny "Lowellism" as dad called them.
Not to have him ask to hug you from the left so you're hugging heart to heart, not to hear him talk about his he's her angel. It's just surreal.

It was really nice to have family down, Harlie had tons of fun with her cousins, and she will miss them very much. It was cute to see Summit and Luke getting in to Grandma Campbell's cupboards side by side both wearing Orange shirts , Summit only slightly taller. We made pizza, well mostly just Heather but we all helped a little. Heather is an amazing cook it is fun to watch her in action, like watching an episode of Take home Chef...she just does her thing and makes it look easy. It was nice to see Nathan...and hear a little about Dodi and the kids...We don't get to see near enough of them.
It was fun to see Jared and Carrie, I'm sure I wasn't the only one who thought none of us would get the chance to see Carrie while she was expecting. She has an amazing glow about her normally it was cute to see it magnified. The boys (meaning our husbands) went out and rode Tyson's moter cycle...possibly it's last outting before winter hits. And they had so much fun bonding. I didn't take pictures...I was too wrapped up in everything. I think some of the other family did though...Anyway I'm tired and should be done with this post. Hey everyone who wasn't was good to see you too!!

November 6, 2008

Eeeeek postless ness

Sorry I haven't gotten to my blog lately. It's been a crazy week. This week was election time....and we had a surprising turn of events, I'm not a real political person, but I have to say that I'm proud of how far our country has come. And I was truly inspired by the speech that the President Elect gave on Tuesday night, and the speech McCain gave (even though it was a little long winded).

We also lost someone dear this week. And I don't feel adequate to post about him but what I want to say is that he was an amazing man, Father, Husband, Son, Grandpa, Friend and the relationship between he and Grandma is inspirational. And he will be missed.

November 1, 2008

October 32nd

Halloween this year was so much Fun. Early in the day we went to Aunt Rebecca's work for a trick or treat in her office, We score lots of candy and had fun seeing Zach, Abby, Jamie and Braydon all dressed up. We went trick or treating that night out in Grandma Rachel's neighborhood. Harlie was SO excited about knocking on doors...sometimes too excited we had to remind her to wait for her brother. After that we hung out at grandma's and played games and had fun.

We Carved pumpkins on Thursday night it was SO much fun, the kids were totally grossed out and haded the pumpkin guts.

Harlie was almost set she wasn't going to do it...but got talked into grabbing a handfull anyway

Tyson concentrated very hard on his pumpkin carving, his took the longest, but maybe that's because he was such a big help with Harlie's

Luke was absolutely grossed out, wouldn't touch it wanted nothing to do with the pumpkin guts. We had so much fun carving.