November 22, 2008

Twilight Opening Day

On Friday we went to see Twilight, Most of my family was there, we went to Red robin before the movie and then walked to the theater. Tyson hasn't read the books so at the beginning I'm not sure that he understood what was happening. But we both ended up really enjoying the movie. Most of my family that was there liked it. There were a few who I think got exactly what they expected out of it, all in all for a Based on the novel by....Movie it was good.
I know this is my inner 13 year old speaking but I can't WAIT to see the sequel and have started re reading the books, just because I miss the characters or maybe just one of them...I know I know geeky.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Me too! I started reading the books yesterday...I hate that I love them so much :-)