January 27, 2009

25 random things

A friend filled this out on her Facebook so I thought I'd share here
Here are 25 random bits of information about me

1. I used to believe that if you stepped on a rug, you'd fall through the floor...(thank the Pink Panther for that)

2. Change gives me panic attacks, which is funny if you think about how much we have moved in the past 6 years.

3. I have a really bad habbit of taking hair pins out and leaving them EVERYWHERE

4. I read and love the twilight series and I'm not afraid to admit that I am an Edward fan.

5. I have horrible grammar...oh well

6. I truly believe that you and only you are responsible for your happiness.

7. I survived childhood more than enjoyed it, but I get a second chance at childhood through my kids and I love every moment of it

8. I wish I were a bigger computer geek, and understood the binary code joke...

9. I watch Grey's anatomy religiously

10. I like the Wonder Pets

11. I love Sugar....a little too much.

12. I wan't to save the world...a cape would be nice too

13. I love making lists

14. I adore sorting things...it's sick really

15. My nick name back in the day was Dee the Flea...Yeah I had nice friends

16. When I lived in Florida a friend gave me my own Day (and they never called me Dee the Flea)

17. I hate blue food with everything in me

18. I love salad, I could eat it everyday

19. I also love Bubble wrap

20. I can make a funeral flower arrangement in 16 minutes...beat that

21. I want to visit Ireland someday

22. I love to cook for my family

23. Thanks to BABYwise I have trained both of my kids to sleep through the night (since about 10 weeks old) and take naps willingly (and Harlie is four now)

24.I would love to go back to school, but I don't know what for

25. I love writing notes, with smilie faces


soup-sista said...

that was fun to read i love it thanks for that

Berni Bunch said...

Hey, can you tell me more about BABYwise? My sister-in-law is curious about it. I tried to research it on line, but got a lot of mixed messages. There were some doctors and articles talking about how unhealthy it is, but others were the opposite. I was wondering how you felt about it, and whether your pediatrician has said anything about it?

Tyson and DeeAnna said...

I think it is amazing! My pediatrician hasn't said anything bad about it. He knows I've been using it though...He just said to be sure to watch weight and other healthy growth indicators. It is amazing, the book only costs like 12 bucks, your sister could buy it and read it and then make a decision. The main points of it are feeding on a schedule, and feeding when your kid wakes up and NOT to put them to sleep. There are TONS of negative opinions on it though...mostly from people who believe in feeding on demand..It's such a personal thing though if your sister in law isn't comfortable with it that's cool too. Heather and Amy have both used babywise if you want to ask them their opinions