January 13, 2009

Baby Update

We had our second ultrasound today. Baby looks AMAZING! And is thriving in there. Tyson got to go to this one, and was very excited to see the baby. I don't know if it's because we've had 2 others, but somehow the ultrasound is easier to decipher now, we could totally tell what parts were what . What's the old wives tale about fetal heart rate to predict the sex? The heart rate was 160....Any guessers? Oh well we won't know for sure for a couple months...but it's fun to guess. And it's so nice to know baby is good. Due date is now August 6th or 7th instead of just August 7th...hey when you're pregnant for 40 weeks you'll take a day early LOL.


Heather said...

That is so great that things are going so well. When you mentioned about the heart last time I was totally nervous. According to the heart rate it should be a girl. The higher the more likely. So time will tell. We are so happy for you guys.

Trish said...

I am so happy to hear that things are going well! Have you guys picked out any names yet, whether it's a boy or a girl??
Love ya!

Tyson and DeeAnna said...

Sort of. But nothing concrete.
I'm so excited to find out if it's a girl or boy I can't stand it...I don't know if I've EVER been this excited about it. I think it's because I knew when I had Harlie that I hoped it was a girl, and then with Luke I was hoping for a boy...and this time it's like YAY a baby.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dee,
Long time no see. I got your blog off becca's. Your kids are darling! I see your on your third, that's awesome! I would love to email back and forth if you want to. Cute blog! I'm a blogger too, with my business.