December 24, 2010

I ♥ Christmas

On Harlie's last day of school before the winter break they had a "Polar Express" Party, she got hot cocoa tons of candy watched the movie but was very bummed because there was no train. So Monday night we took Trax to Temple square and walked around the grounds and checked out the lights, we had a lot of fun and brought our own hot cocoa for when we got cold. Harlie was very excited to be able to ride the train, and I think it's a tradition that we will keep up.

December 14, 2010

Madison....what would you take...

If you have ever wondered what a 16 month old would take with her if stranded on an island...Now you know. While tidying our family room I found Harlie's old hair-box that Madi has been hauling around with some things she deems important.

Her Sippy..(don't worry it's the one I filled this morning) A christmas ball she swiped from the tree...Her puppy (well Luke's puppy that she THINKS is hers)..And a hair tie that she thinks is a bracelet. When I found the box it was closed, and I could see the sippy cup through it so I opened it to take it to the kitchen and rinse it, and then found her treasures. Finding things like this is one of my favorite parts of being a mom.

November 17, 2010

Bathroom Finished!

To Create A bathroom...We needed a sink

Something for the sink to sit in (or on)

A toilet, And a mirror (though it isn't hung yet) and lights...Not decorated yet...but it's officially a bathroom.

One Happy Kid!

November 2, 2010

All Hallows eve

On Friday we had a neighborhood party, with games and chili and fun! It's always fun to see everyone's costumes. On Saturday night (the night we celebrated Halloween) We had friends and family over. I also made 2 batches of "crispy cream alike" donuts, and a batch of chocolate cake donuts. Last year I only made one batch and we had extras, this year we ran out.
We were getting rave reviews at church on Sunday so I am pretty sure I will be crazy enough to do it again next year. But I am pretty sure Tyson will need that day off to help.

Closet to Bathroom Project

In our house there was a giant walk in closet just off the garage...why? I don't know. We decided it would better serve us as a half off we go
The Bathroom with the toilet box and the vanity box sitting in it......There is now plumbing, and electrical outlet wiring....and we replaced a part of the drywall and yesterday got the parts of the wall where the closet shelving were all taped and mudded, the next few days involve sanding and paint and hopefully Saturday we can lay the vinyl tiles and set the toilet...YAY progress..The idea is to have it finished by Thanksgiving...that's the idea anyway.

Harlie's Birthday!

For Harlie's Birthday she wanted to go to the Aquarium, so off we went. Harlie's favorites are the penguins, sharks and Sting rays

We had a few friends over for cake and ice cream

October 21, 2010

Randomness about Cathedrals

Does anyone else ever feel like they have sacrificed so much of themselves that they have very little of themselves left? This is how I felt a couple days ago as we were going through a closet getting ready to turn it into a bathroom. My husband picked up my Cricut machine and went to take it down to the basement...Panic went through me as I watched him start to carry something I love to do down into the basement along with MY easel, My oil paints and canvases my craft supplies...more of me getting put aside because I don't have (MAKE) time for it...My sweet husband immediately started devising a plan to get my hobbies upstairs where they are more accessible and more likely to be used. And no, this plan has not come to life yet, but the fact that he is trying makes me feel like my efforts and sacrifices are not in vain. And just like the craftsmen who built the great cathedrals, what I am building with these sacrifices may never be seen, I will never see it finished, but my creator sees. And the beauty of what I am building will long outlive me. So if you ever feel this way, know that you are not alone. And that your efforts are seen.

October 20, 2010

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Harlie!!! Thank you for teaching me how to be a mom! I love you, I love watching you grow. You have learned so much since school started, it's hard to watch you turn in to the little independent person. But it's amazing to see how smart you are and how quickly you are learning.
I love you my little "Gidget" being your mom is an amazing experience that I wouldn't change for anything.

October 14, 2010


I had to change my settings because I am getting comments in Japanese almost everyday, I have no idea who it is and if it continues I will have to go private RSS or no RSS. You now have to log in to a google account to post a comment this way I know who is leaving the comments. Sorry everyone.

October 10, 2010

Sunday Bloody Sunday

At lunchtime today, Harlie was sitting at one of the chairs in the kitchen playing with the bar stool with her feet. Tipping it back and forth, she tipped it too far and down it went and somehow her too, she hit her head pretty hard on the floor. I yelled at her and looked at the back of her head which looked fine. I told her to stop goofing around and to hurry up and eat. She stopped crying and a couple hours later she had her back to Tyson and I, and Tyson asked "how did she get blood on her dress" I was like what blood and looked at the back of her neck and shirt and there was dried blood on them, and all matted in her hair. So we took her upstairs to rinse it out and get a better look. We couldn't see where it was coming from just that it was still oozing. We went with our gut and I took her to the insta-care..Which was closed...So I took her to another one..Which was also closed. Tyson called me and looked up one that was opened and I took her there. They got us in, put some numbing gel on her wound and we waited..Then finally we got in and they put some more numbing stuff on her head. Then they rinsed, and rinsed and rinsed. Then the dr came in and pulled out a clot..looked at her wound and told her that they were going to have to put in a couple of staples, that it was not large just deep. Harlie was very concerned about staples and told the Dr no. The nurse explained that they were not staples like for paper. There were a different kind of staples, which put Harlie's mind at ease so they put in 2 staples and gave her a Popsicle and we were finally on our way home. Needless to say it was a LOOOOONG Sunday, and we're all drained and I feel like a horrible mom for yelling at her and not taking care of her to begin with .

September 7, 2010

No comments?

So I was going to ask what's up with no one commenting on anyone's blog anymore? But then I realized that I haven't been very good at commenting so I see the problem. With So many blogs to read and from what I can see the dropdown menu comments not functioning, it's almost impossible to comment. I am going to try to comment more and just want to challenge everyone to do the same. Just a little feedback makes the blogging so much more rewarding :)

***edit comment boxes are now working, I googled the problem and realized that I just had to make sure firefox accepts cookies from third parties....If all of that sounded like I wanted to have a cookie party no worries, yours probably is working!

September 1, 2010

Harlie's first Day of school

Hugs For a sad little Brother who just wants to ride the bus too!
Off she goes
One last unsure look, just so mom knows she still needs me :)

First School Work!

August 27, 2010

She spelled my name with a Y!

Harlie had her kindergarten Assessment today. Tyson took her, she went in with the teacher who asked her some questions. Well the teacher came out and told Tyson that Harlie had taught her something, that she needed to word her question better. The teacher had asked
"If I have three squares, and I add one more..How many Squares do you have"

To which Harlie replied.."I don't have Any, You have them all"

The teacher then told Tyson that she needed to word her question differently to get Harlie to answer "4" which she did.

Harlie then told Tyson "she spelled my name with a "Y"
Tyson: "Did you tell her how to spell it"
Harlie:" No, But I wrote it down for her"

ha ha is this what I have to look forward to this school year? Harlie is going to be a fun student is all I've got to say.

August 23, 2010

How to know if..

Last night I was talking to Luke about his hair needing cut and I said
"Luke, Tomorrow we need to cut your hair it's out of control"

Luke says "No mom, it doesn't have any weapons"

And there you have it, next time you need to know if something is out of control,
check for the weapons.

♥ Him

August 6, 2010

Big news !!

SO as some of you know I have been very stressed about what to do when Harlie starts school at the end of the month. I have been stressed about it since I registered her back in February. Well an opportunity to tend 2 adorable girls in the mornings from m-f has come up and I will be staying home m-f (and sundays) with my babies. I will still be working Saturdays for awhile but I will mostly be a stay at home mom, and I feel very blessed. Ever since Tyson and I made this decision things have been falling into place for this to work. And I know I have a heavenly father who is making it happen. He hears and answers prayers..And not just for me.
I can't wait to be able to walk Harlie to the Bus and Pick her up every day!!!

August 5, 2010

Holy HAIL!

We had a crazy summer storm yesterday. Crazy amounts of hail, the picture is a quarter laying on the ground so you can see the size, and the lightning show was gorgeous! (I didn't catch much of it cuz I was working on something else) Harlie and Luke thought they wanted to play in the hail (they love playing in the rain) until they opened the front door and started getting pelted.

August 3, 2010

Baby Madi!

When Harlie was born, I learned how to be a mom, Tyson and I learned how to be a family..
Then came Luke, What Lucas taught us is how to be parents to a boy, that each child is different and that it was a good thing there was a parent for each kid, and when there wasn't, there was at least one parent with a hand for each kid...So there really isn't much a second girl will teach right?
Wrong! Madison came and she taught us that there is a rainbow during a storm...And you know the old saying about how high stress pregnancies create high stress, fussy babies..Wrong again, I don't know of many ways (though there are a few) that a pregnancy could have been higher stress..And yet Madison is the most happy laid back baby I could have asked for..She is such a blessing to our family and a reminder that life is a circle, that when something is lost, something is given.

From the beginning Madi only cried when she needed something, she fell easily into a sleep/eat/wake cycle, slept through the night by 8 weeks...and I mean ALL night. Madi has taught me that no matter how dark the night the sun always shines through in the morning. That those 2 parents are now out numbered. That having a third arm may look funny but it would come in very handy. And that when those happy, easy babies get mobile..they make up for every moment they were once peaceful.

Madison loves, all things food. She thinks all things ARE food. She loves to tease, she will let her Daddy almost give her a kiss each night, then as soon as his lips touch her cheek she moves her head...When asked to say mama, she will always say dad, though I know she knows how to say mama. She loves her big brother and big sister, and they love her dearly. She is walking between and around on walls and objects and any day now she will be completely mobile. Madison loves to stack things and though she is a girl she loves to play with cars. She loves to play with whatever Harlie and Luke are playing with and you can tell how big she feels when they let her in on the fun. Madison LOVES music, she will dance and sing along with any and all music that is played. And in her worst of moods you can always calm her down with music. Madi has a way of cuddling against you and making you feel loved. She has a smile that can melt away the worst of moods and her "fits" are more entertaining than annoying. I am so grateful for her beautiful spirit and the wonderful addition she is to our family...WE LOVE YOU! Happy Birthday my big 1 Year old!

June 4, 2010

Improptu Picnic

We got a phone call from Tyson's sister Rebecca that her Family and the Larson's (who were here for like a 24 hour period, if you blinked you missed them) were going up to the mountains for a picnic for dinner/Roberts Birthday. So I packed up the kids and had Tyson meet us there. It was very nice and the first time I had been in the mountains since right after Madi was born. I snapped a few pictures but we mostly just hung out. It's so much fun to see my kids playing with their cousins. And Tyson's arm didn't have to be twisted to ride his motercycle in the mountains, in fact he drove all the way up to the top of the canyon and back down to the bottom (where we were picnicking) We love the mountains, and the Barton's and Larson's !

May 29, 2010

Pictures for my walls

My walls are still pretty naked, so yesterday I decided to torture my kids take some pictures of my kids for my walls, I am very amateur but I think they turned out okay..And you learn by doing right?