April 25, 2013

So do I baby, so do I

The past few days have been filled with lots of screaming, anger, sadness etc. I'm not sure what sets off a cycle like this but the past few nights Tink has been getting up and playing, well last night The hubs had lost enough sleep, he went in and got her and said cmon Tink since you don't want to sleep we're going to do chores, which was fine with her till he let her know the chore would be picking up dog poop in the back yard, this sent her screeching back to her room letting him know that she would rather go to bed the whole way there, and back out they went they spent about an hour in the freezing cold in pj's while she scooped poop. She came in and told him that he had never gave her that "worser" of a job.
Today she was filled with anger, not just the grumbly type but the resentment type, towards everyone and everything. I went in to clean her room and learned that part of the reason she is up at night is because she had a my little pony stash hidden in her heat vent. What 5 year old thinks of this? That is teenager hiding their marijuana stash level of thinking. So we cleaned her room and the more I cleaned the stranger things I was finding, I found that she had taken 4 of the nuts and washers that hold her bed together and stuffed them in and under her pillow...I am baffled at how she thinks this advanced but socially and emotionally acts so much younger than her age.
Fast forward to this evening, I felt impressed to have a heart to heart with little Tink, she just has been struggling with so much anger. I basically told her that I know that she has been hurt, and not just like a scrape or a bruise but that I can understand that it hurt to have to come and live with us and leave her old mom and dad behind, that it probably hurt when her grannie gave her to A & K, that it probably hurt to live in foster care, and by this time she was in full out real tears...and then she opened up to me about foster care for the first time since ever...she said she didn't like foster care, that the moms (she was last with a lesbian couple from what I have gathered) didn't read the scriptures or say any prayers, and that there was a bigger girl who took the toys she was playing with and the moms let the big girl. Then I let her know that I know that she thinks her bio mom and dad gave her away because she thinks she's bad. I let her know that it was their fault, not hers. She deserved to have a mom and dad and a family, and to be happy. At this point she melted into my arms and told me that she wishes she grew in my tummy, and all that I could do was hold her and cry with her comforting her with a "so do I baby, so do I".

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