April 3, 2013

one day at a time

While we had a very bad couple of days the week before last, the past few days have shown signs of healing in our little girl. This past week we began a form of "attachment parenting" and it is really hard because it requires all positives, no negatives, encouraging her to keep eye contact when she is speaking to us, clear consequences for decisions (good or bad) no warnings (that one is especially for me) and practicing good reactive behaviors (that one is hard for her) after about a week of this I began wondering if it was making any sort of difference, and then yesterday as we were sitting in the Neuro ICU while Tyson was in visiting his grandma, Sarah picked up my hand looked in my eyes and said "Mom, I love you and Dad the most" and my heart melted and I felt like we are definitely on the right path. We also were given another diagnosis for miss Sarah that includes another prescription, and another card stacked against this little girl. This diagnosis is a direct result of her bio moms meth use, and it hurts my heart so much to know that there are women out there that have no clue what being a mom requires, and what a blessing it is to be a mom.

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