May 6, 2013

An extended family filled weekend

On Saturday we had the amazing opportunity to watch a young man become the newest member of the church, to start on a path of being the hands of his heavenly father, our handsome nephew Garrett was baptized and received the holy ghost. I remember the day that those things happened for me in my life and what an impact being a member of his church has had, and I am so proud of this boy for choosing to be baptized and for his sweet calming spirit. I felt the spirit so strongly during the service and I love the Lord for sending it down to be with Garrett, his family and friends.

On Sunday (yesterday) we saw my new beautiful niece receive one of the tender blessings from the lord delivered through her daddy. As I sat waiting for the meeting to start I was reading conference talks and praying throughout the morning. Again from the blessing for this tiny baby the spirit in the chapel was so strong.
Both of these events were amazing and I feel so blessed to have been a witness to them, and to know the little people that they were for.
Afterwards we spent the evening with my amazing mama. It never matters what is happening she always makes me feel wanted and loved. When I call her crying  that I can't do this she nudges me gently forward. I don't know many people who are so willing to jump in and help but I am so grateful one of them is my mom.

Being a member of this church is what is fueling me on the journey that my family is on right now. The knowledge that this life is temporary, that the Lord love us and wants the best for us has made lifted the burden, I am a witness to miracles from my heavenly father and I am so grateful for his love. 

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