May 19, 2013

The Life of Pi

Our lesson in Sunday School today was on faith, it was a beautiful lesson and it was exactly what I needed. Our teacher talked about how much of society needs tangible evidence, meaning they can see or hear what they would consider "proof" of God's existence. I think some things are just so hard to emotionally handle that some would just rather pretend they don't exist. Our teacher talked about the movie The Life of Pi, I have not seen this movie yet but he explained it like this...There was a writer who was looking for a good story, someone had said if you want a good story talk to this man, the man was Pi, he talked about how he was on a boat with all of these animals, ie a tiger, a baboon, etc and how he was in a life boat and how some animals started turning on each other and killed each other and how he and this tiger were enemies but ended up being friends to an extent, then Pi went on to tell the same story about he and other people being stranded on this boat, and how people turned on each other and killed each other, and the reporter asked him which story were true? and Pi said that depended on which story the reporter wanted to believe, and so it is with God.
This story struck me because before we took Tink in we never knew this much hurt could exist, how truly terrible parents can hurt their own flesh and blood, it would be easier to continue through life believing that kids don't behave this way when they are hurt and traumatized, but the we know and we have experienced the truth and while it's not the easiest to believe or accept, it still is what it is.

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