May 20, 2013

The presentation

"For too long we have swept the problems of mental illness under the carpet... and hoped that they would go away."Richard J. Codey
Max gave our family his presentation on Reactive Attachment Disorder on Saturday, I was scared people were going to get up and walk out, or tell him off but none of that happened thank heavens.
From my view most accepted the information and wanted to know what they could do to help, some were upset because they felt like Max wasn't qualified to know what he did, or that his guest speaker Jodi (a mom who has gone through it) somehow shouldn't talk because she wasn't able to heal her own child. One of the greatest advocates in the church for families and for marriage has NEVER been married. Sherri Dew gives seminars on marriage and family relationships as well as other topics, and she knows her stuff because the Lord saw something in her that he knew she would be receptive of the information and be able to share it.
I get that no one (including me) wants to know that this disorder exists, because it forces you to acknowledge the awful part of human nature. For too long Mental illness has been brushed aside because it makes people uncomfortable and they don't want to talk about it. It is REAL it exists and I am fighting it every day. There is no amount of love that will be enough to fix Tinks hurt, until she learns to recognize that love is not poison. She has to learn what love is before she can accept the love I have for her. I am not doing something wrong! I am doing everything I can to help her heal, so that she can accept love.

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