May 6, 2013

Positive lessons this past year is teaching me

I hate to post another thing I found on this site but E.C. over at the Patches Family Foundation seems to nail how I feel every time.
The positive lessons from RAD.
(from the patches family foundation)
Positive??? Yes! Positive.......

- I am no longer judgemental towards other parents struggling with a naughty child.

- I probably know more about attachment than 90% of professionals!

- I can share attachment advice to the new parents I work with to help prevent RAD.

- I have learned what it takes to truly love someone when you least feel the mushy feelings.

- I have learned I am not the person I used to the trials have matured me.

- I have become more skilled in spotting issues in others quickly.

- I have learned the true value of peace and quiet.

- I have become strong trough the trials I have endured.

- I have been weak through the trials I have endured.

- I have learned there are no quick fix answers in life.

- I have learned that some people don't want to learn.

- I have learned that some people do want to learn.

- I have learned that it does not matter what others think of me.

- I have learned my well being does not need other people's approval.

- I have learned it ONLY matters what God thinks of me.

- I have learned I was hand picked by God above and been called to love the sick, poor and needy in every sense of the word.

- I have learned I am not alone.

- I have met some amazing warriors all over the world also walking the same hard road.

- I have learned I am also a survivor.

- I have become softer and more mature in my outlook on life.

- I have become more understanding of the complex issues of parents able to hurt their own children.

- I have learned what true forgiveness really means (and takes).

- I have learned what it means to offer selfless love to another.

- I have delighted in the small positive steps.

- I have learned it takes truly special parents to love hurting kids.

- I have learned life is not always easy.

- I have learned I can deal with rejection and still keep on loving.

- I have learned trust in God above to heal my son.

- I have learned trust in God above to heal my wounds too.

- I have seen the miracles of hurting, damaged kids become healed, productive adults.

- I have learned the value of true friendship.

- I have learned that my experience allows me to reach out to other hurting kids and families.

- I have had more qualifications in my home than from any university.

- I have learned to dance in the rain.

- most importantly I have met amazing parents and survivors who I share a special and unbreakable bond with that few would ever understand.

- I am honoured and privileged I have met truly amazing others who do not get the credit they are due.

- I am blessed to know you all - each and every one of you ❤

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